AUTO RACING/ At 18, Noda is first Japanese woman to race in Super FormulaSOCCER/ A huge audience as India, China World Cup qualifying hopes are on the lineJUDO/ Japanese master who popularized judo in France still reveredMLB/ Yamamoto gets first major league victory in Dodgers' 4MLB/ Shohei Ohtani hits 450SOCCER/ New Asian champions to earn $12 mln in prize money in club competition revampSOCCER/ Japan beats United States 2JUDO/ Japanese master who popularized judo in France still reveredMLB/ Dodgers and Cubs open 2025 season in Tokyo March 18, rest of league starts March 27【甲子園】センバツ8強の青森山田が初戦突破 最速152キロのエース・関浩一郎が無四球完投